UP FRONT Ministries is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) Christian ministry.
Your love gifts and contributions are appreciated, as well as, tax deductible.
We pray the Lord's best for you, as you assist Him in growing His church.
Please use the Pay Pal "Donate" tab above or mail donations to:
UP FRONT Ministries
c/o Pastor Gregory Haage
3309 Major Ave N
Minneapolis, MN 55422
(612) 804-3267
IRS Tax Exempt Lookup, click here:

Front Ministries
EIN: 41-1926271 | Golden Valley, Minnesota, United States
Tax Period: 2021 (01/01/2021-12/31/2021)
EIN: 41-1926271
Organization Name (Doing Business as):
Mailing Address:
3309 Major Ave N Golden Valley, MN 55422United States
Principal Officer's Name and Address:
Pastor Greg Haage
3309 Major Ave N Golden Valley, MN 55422United States
Gross receipts not greater than: $50,000
Organization has terminated: No
Website URL: www.UpFrontMinistries